This experience is the result of a series of realisations over a few days. I would like to share my experiences with You and show how much I had lived in the prison and captivity of my mind…
I am happy that I can write to you again. I would like to share yesterday’s meditation with you and the others. Reading the Stories on your website and your Blog still gives me a vast amount of strength and faith...
I’m writing my below story apropos of topic which came up on women grouped meeting. During and after the guided meditation became completely clear to me the origin of my…
After yesterday’s session, I woke up at night, I couldn’t go back to sleep and I continued the confrontation we were dealing during the day within the group. The following words came as key faith, unconditional love…
Enikő has a lot youtube lectures and meditations, among these my favorite is the Consciousness. (My second favorite is: the Release of sexual blocks.) If I do not have any special but I know I need to do self-awareness, to get out of my…
Enikő, yesterday’s training day gave me again a lot. I made notes about topics which sensitively affected me in order to look at them later on. On the train I confront myself with the first point, it was the following…
I haven’t read stories and blogs on your websites since May, but last night I read them. When I read one after the other more and more wonderful feeling opened up inside of me. Enthusiasm was included as well. I also...
There was an excercise on the Divine Self-Awareness training where came out we hadn’t connected to our Higher-Self. It was a nice learning for everybody. The story has ended for me while rest of the group processed…
Yesterday was the last day of our training. It’s hard to describe everything that is in my head and especially in my heart. I feel little bit wobbly, but I think it is the same with the others. Even the training was a very...
To be honest I was also surprised how smoothly my first day was in the New Year. I was flowing. I had never felt such a harmony on 1st of January before. This is even more interesting as the last day of the previous year was…
Since I participated on the Divine Self-Awareness training my relationship with my parents became peaceful and it is full of harmony. Almost a year ago I left my husband and I live with my children in my parents’ house…
I was about to write since I finished the first level of your course (Divine Self-Awareness), I wanted to let you know I didn’t disappear. I was thinking of you a lot! In a nutshell the events of the last weeks and…
I asked my Higher Self to show me the meaning of the dove’s tu-whoo what reminds me of my childhood? I was driven by my Higher Self on a long way back to the past, back to one of my previous life. I came to…
In the primary school I had a handsome, wealthy and cool classmate; every girl was in love with him. I knew how he behaved with girls: he got and dropped them. I knew he would do this to me if I spoke to him…
A severe personal life crisis drove me to the path of self-awareness. Everything I had believed about the world surrounding me had collapsed by itself or by my doubts. I have encountered that almost nothing of what...
I am 35 years old and I recently managed to stop sucking my thumb. This habit was an addiction that made my every-day life really challenging and difficult. I couldn’t fall asleep without sucking my thumb...
During Creative Self-Awareness training I open myself and I get closer to my real Self, and one day a miracle happened in my home: my Higher-Self initiated me. By this my spiritual…
I don’t normally write to you, because I feel that I am doing well and making progress, and the personal consultations and the group sessions are there in case we are stuck. I would like to thank you, because I think…
Since I started the Divine Self-Awareness Training I have started to feel that the more raised my vibration level is the more miracles I can see and experience. I recognized that I had arrived to a very important stage…
As the sound meditation began, I first heard a voice saying: unity, source, unity, source… Then the voice faded and images began to flow into my mind: I saw myself bound with ropes, pulled out by my limbs and being...
The material world influences me still. When I feel bad, I listen your meditation and I get on to the fact that miracle is happened again, as your method works. I feel much better after after meditation. I do love to listen the…
I would like to share with you my meditation. I barely believe it really happened. In my asleep a voice told me something, I woke up suddenly. Who was and what did he say? I couldn’t remember anything; even I tried to…
First of all I would like to say thank you for Enikő for showing her method. When I use her method I can open and improve myself. The spiritual improvement became part of my life completely and I will do everything…
I’m more than happy to share with you my story happened to me during the weekend. One day I had a view that I stopped the flow of the Divine Self-Awareness training with my pusillanimity, right after my realization...
It was only a month ago that I got in touch with Enikő and I asked for a consultation, my life has completely changed since then, I got my life back. When I came out of the meditation I felt as if a veil had lifted off my face...
I met Gergő while giving gym classes to children. I really liked him, I also sensed that he liked me back. He was always nice, funny, open, we talked a lot, but he did not take the lead. I took it as shyness and thought...
My story started with that I was made redundant at work. For many years I hadn’t been working in profession, I didn’t have experience in the field and I didn’t like it very much anyway. Because I couldn’t find a promising...
On Saturday I haven’t told you on the Training of the Divine Self-Awareness but I would like to share with you as I feel good about it: on Friday on the medical controll the oncologist…
At the weekend a lot of things had started to open up in me and a feeling of pain and helplessness took over. I managed to see what caused my helplessness but I couldn’t really do much with it. I had to realise that...
I have faced with my shadow-personalities which come up against my will but in lighter and lighter form in my dreams since Sunday. It is very hard to keep away my shadow-personalities and not behave silly-billy...
I had to realize my life became heartless recently. I did everything without patience, quickly like a robot, without any empathy, everything was indicated by me ego. This was hardly tolerated by my environment...
I would like to share with you a story about one of my best friends. I will call him Jacint. After Jacint read a book he started to observe his life, search the root causes of his life situations on conscious level. He started...
I met one of the most influential person of my life during a party. He was very into me. Since it was nearly dawn and I wanted to leave, I gave him my number. "If he does not forget it while drunk, it is worth a date...